CW: toxic friendships, mild gore, religious imagery
This is one of those poems that took a lot of re-drafting and editing, however the first scribbled notes (which is how i tend to date poems) were done about 13th January, 2021.
I Was Not a Ghost.:
My howl echoed up to the moon, and you closedyour window against the noise. The week before,you see, I had run through the rain to heed yourown cry, and on the way home that night the wolffound me, took me in a single bound and sunkits teeth. Perhaps you thought merely that mysong belonged to another monster of the night,but the pitchfork of your text drove me back wellenough: We all have our own problems to dealwith, you can't always demand other people'semotional energy. Caught in a bear trap on myway to solve your problem, I cried and cried tothe night, but your dissertation was due so youturned up your music to drown me out. Aloneagain, I gnawed off my own leg to be free.You claimed the door was open, not trying tounderstand that I could not step inside withoutinvitation, that you had made me unwelcomewith a cross of sharp words above the door. Iwas hungry for the one you had with you everynight, drawn by the scent of blood, tried to explainthat you cannot welcome both the bloodsuckerand the priest across your threshold. You made itclear whose company you preferred, then accusedme of not making an effort, ignoring the fivetimes in a row you cancelled plans I made. Afterpromising to love every flaw, you carried stakeslike jewellery, turned them against me everyconversation hidden beneath a falsehood ofinsincere texts and blessings that burned my skin.Knocked from the pedestal you put me on, Ifell into the hellfire below. Feathers becamespines, until my body was its own weapon, untilI could not hold a conversation without tryingto bargain for a soul. Stepping onto the groundsanctified by your holier-than-thou convictionto every argument you started ignited my cells,made a wildfire of my wings that blisteredeveryone I cared about. Pacing in the tiny wallsof my flat, I chose to burn down my own churchrather than risk making you taste the hellfire youcast me into. And after I crawled back to thesurface with the stumps of burned wings cradledin my arms, you dare to tell me you would haveoffered me forgiveness if only I had apologised.I was a poltergeist, rattling the walls, knockingbooks from the shelves, making the record playerjump trying to shake a single apology into being.I was a zombie, rotting in grief, maggots oozingfrom my gums, stumbling after you down theroad desperate to feel warm skin one more time.I was an abomination, the nuclear fallout of yourtemper mutating me into something I did not wantto be, rampaging to another city just to find peace.I did not go quietly, I did not fade away. I was nota ghost, I went screaming, tearing myself awayfrom yet another person who made a monster ofme. Call me what I am. Demon, burning, vampire,wanting, wolf-man, gnawing off my own leg to befree, my howl still echoing, unheard, into the night.
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