CW: abuse, sexual assault, mental illness, non-explicit animal death
This poem is nearly a year old now but I only just got around to posting it. It is dated 11th April 2020 and makes reference to several of my other poems, A Home in Your Own Skin and Churchyard. Remember to click the "actual poem" tag to see all of the poems I've posted here.
Me and my shadow swap places sometimes,to see if anyone will notice. My motherthinks I am just a shadow; she does notunderstand how my friends call me funny,creative, warm, because as I have writtenmany times before, she cannot love withoutshattering, shouted me silent too many timesto hear my best jokes. When she visited mynew flat for the first time - in a city threehundred miles away - I didn't speak for twodays after. My manager pulled me asidebecause my shadow's face did not knowhow to smile when a customer asked mewhat someone with my qualifications wasdoing working here. The first time my bestfriend saw my shadow changed my life;I saw in their eyes their sudden reverentvow to protect my light at all costs, and Ifelt loved for the first time in seventeenyears. They hold me sometimes, and I seeit again. Some people prefer my shadow:in not knowing a smile, it does not showcrooked front teeth, which many peoplehave delighted in informing me ruin myselfies; lacking opinions, it does not offend.When my shadow takes over, I am anotherplace, watching a sunset over the ocean atthe end of a pier in my own chest, or elsecradling a dead pigeon to my heart as Icarry it to the churchyard. My shadowlived my life for three months after heshushed me enough times that I stoppedsaying no - a lesson learned from mymother's loathing of my attempts at bodilyautonomy. Once, a friend told me that Iwas easier to be around "like this"; it wasthe most hurtful thing anyone had eversaid to me. A day later, I mumbled myfirst half-hearted joke in six weeks, andmy counsellor (who was also my biologyteacher, and also my friend) cried becauseit meant I was coming back. He said whenI was me, I glowed the brightest of anyonehe had ever met. I don't hate my shadowfor its silent empty dark; someone needsto stand and take the abuse while I watchsunsets and bury dead pigeons. But I hatethe grief in my friend's eyes when sherealises she's talking to my shadow. I hatelosing my sunshine for people who shouldhave known better than to treat me thatway. I hate grieving days and months lostto a darkness I can too easily be convincedI deserved. I don't just want to live in thesunshine; I want to be the sun warming mybest friend's face as they cry through a ginand tonic on a Thursday night. I want tobe bright enough that their shadow is justtheir shadow. I want to make them feelloved for the first time in twenty-two years.I want to hold their hand while our shadowshold each other, stretching out behind usover the ocean in the setting sun.
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