CW: gore, body horror, death imagery
Went through a lot of drafts, and this is also a rare first posting. Dated about 14th March, 2020.
Social media is an overpriced mortician puttingmake-up on the dead, or so they tell me.It certainly felt that way building a relationshipout of the contour you showed to the world whilepretending I didn't exist seven days of every eight -relationship in this sense just meaning, of course,that you told me my chest was the chest yourheart beat inside, and we had really great sex acouple half-dozen times; and just in this sensemeaning, Don't worry, I never wanted to callmyself your girlfriend, in the same breath asyour promise that it didn't have to be a lesserthing, just because; but, as always, I was definedby the just.If I saw you, I think I'd say, I hope you're doingokay, by which I'd mean, I hope it kind of sucksright now; it in this sense meaning... I don't know.It. You seem happy on social media, one dayin every eight, which I assume means you haven'tchanged at all; the mortician knows its job toowell, knows how to gut me like a supermodel'sugly when every eighth day rolls around. I couldbury you six feet under and never think aboutyou again - by which I mean, block you, andnever think about you again - but I promised tokeep things civil between us, and my soul'scemetery is not well-versed in manners. I'dpretend I'd never known you if I saw you on thestreet, and I'd do it so well you'd wonder howyou ever touched me without getting freezer-burn -by which I mean, I'd have a panic attack after,but better that than letting you see the grislymess of my corpse's smile, which is the primaryalternative. Historically, I don't look good withmaggots oozing between my teeth - but, then,some might say it's hypocritical of me tocriticise the way you let social media lie aboutyour scars while I play mortician for my own.And by all this, I mean, I'd never sink so lowas to ask you why you still check my snapchatstory every day, whether it means as little to youas any stranger's, or if you check it like a double-rum and lemonade on a Thursday afternoon -by which I mean, my carefully manufacturedsmile to get you through the day, while thesting serves as reminder of the last hangoverI gave you.I want to be the ground in which flowersgrow. I want strangers to feel the sun on theirface when I smile. People have told me I wasa ray of light when I was in love with you; it'sthis concept of heartbreak which breaks my heart,the truth that years of working on myself can'thold a candle to the sunlight happiness of threeweeks of just with someone else. I endeavourto love myself on purpose, to tend to my heartlike a bonsai - pruning branches to make thetrunk stronger, by which I mean, loving no-one until I can love everyone, by way of lovingmyself. The concept of a forest could notexist until two things evolved: first, that plantsshould hold themselves up by a husk of theirown dead cells, by which I mean bark,enabling anything taller than a fern to evergrow; and second, that something could turndeath into feast, by which I mean microbesturning wood into soil. See, every time I seeyour name every one day in eight, I do not feellike wildflowers could grow from my chest.But I think maybe I am not to blame for themaggots making feast of my flesh. I am uglywhen I hurt, but the purpose with which I aimto love myself is to put away the mortician'smake-up, to lay to rest the foundation of civilitywhich turns my grief into a #glowup six monthsfrom now. One day, I will wear my old hurts asmy spine, but I must prune the branches of myunrequited devotion first. One day, a wildflowermeadow will burst from my chest, but I must letthe maggots make ruin of me before then. Youdid not mean to hurt me, by which I mean youhurt me, by which I mean I will wear you asbark, by which I mean I have lost count of theexcuses I have made for you - by which Imean, ignore me; this is merely the blowfliesdancing on my tongue.
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