Sunday, 16 July 2017

I Really Need to Learn How to Intro Artwork

Uhhhhhhhhh yeah so I painted a thing?? And? You should look at it?
Cool cool cool cool cool le's go~

"Yellow-white lines of fire which burned into Sylv's eyes as he hit the ground suddenly shifted, and flickered, and roared.
They wreathed up into a form, flickering and flaring into stripes which changed and shifted but between which the black was impenetrable. White-blue claws dug into the earth, sparking on the soil and flicking twigs and stones up until they burned into ash; where the paws stepped they left a smear of black charcoal. At the shoulders yellow-orange flames shifted up, swept along the body, the push of heat a physical weight, and a tail of deep orange which bled into a guttural smoking red swept around.
The flames illuminated the trees, dark and uncaring as they looked on, long branches reaching overhead. Shadows bounded and leapt as the tiger curled around Sylv, and lowered its face to his. Its fangs were the same sparking blue-green as its claws, its muzzle pale yellow, a mane of surging flames dancing from its cheeks.
It cocked its head, and its fire-made mouth twisted and opened so that its shifting lips could have formed a smirk.
Then the dog-boy's bright blue-grey eyes met those of the tiger, and the world crashed out from inside his chest, pulling free of his mouth in the form of a scream."

SO yeah it's acrylics on a 3' canvas and I was supposed to do it over a few days but I accidentally did nearly all of it in one go because I got excited. Whoops.
And the observant and Sylv-keen might recognise this particular image - I have drawn it before, specifically with markers.

Both of these pieces can be found originally on the Sylvestus page

The image is extremely important in Sylvestus, and honestly, I am fascinated with the aesthetic of it. No, it has nothing to do with that Tyger poem; if one more person asks me they may be gently slapped (if two more people ask me they will be slapped with more vigour). So what does it have to do with?
Read the damn snippet above, lazy. I didn't spend a dedicated 68 seconds finding that and copy-pasting it from the Sylvestus draft for you to just ignore it and look at the pretty tiger.
And for anything more, why you'll just have to wait until December, won't you?

The markers gave me the medium to give the idea a solid form, but they can't capture the specifically fluid and dynamic nature of the spectre itself. I considered watercolours, but I just knew acrylics would be perfect - I very rarely use them, and I've never done something larger than A4 before, although my GCSE Art teacher did keep nagging that I should go bigger with them to get the full effect. Hope ur happy Mrs. Middleton.
I also changed some things about the image itself between the drawings and the painting. For me, the description above is one of my favourite things so far about the Sylvestus Vol. I draft, and extremely graphic. Plus, of course, this mysterious creature/spectre/character's (?? u shall never know until december mwahaha) importance to the story itself.

Okay well done, thanks for lookin' at the art and hopefully reading some of the thing. And being excited for Sylvestus. Yeeiiis.
The original painting is on sale for a negotiable price, however I am not taking commissions of acrylic paintings. For other mediums, see my commissions page, or email

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to meet this guy in Sylvestus ��


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